Travel Map

My world travel map

This appeals to the listographer in me. It’s a map of the world with all the countries I’ve visited highlighted in red. All those in green are the ones I’m thinking about for my next travels, or countries I’ve booked to go to.

Ok, it’s not the most accurate thing in the world – so far I’ve only been to four US states and this makes it look like I’m the ultimate American traveller – but it’s good for recording and inspiring travels.

Mini flagography


I’m a big fan of lists. Combine that with a passion for travel and an emoji flags list seems like the next obvious step. Look at all those cute little flags of each visited country waving in the winds of cyberspace!

I love this because it creates a little piece of listography artwork, uniquely personal to everyone who does it, and a great instant record of your travels.

My rules: begin with your country of birth, put them in chronological order, and don’t duplicate a flag – this is based on first visits to each country. Kinda silly, but fun.

I try to keep this updated on my Twitter feed. What does yours look like? Feel free to share it.